2024 Tree Replacement Program

Lake Barcroft WID is offering 25 free native overstory trees to residents of the Lake Barcroft Community.  The trees will be professionally planted for free.   This program is designed to support the sustainment of the Lake Barcroft community’s urban forest. Planting new native trees every year replenishes the canopy, supports birds and wildlife, shades homes, captures carbon dioxide, retains storm waters preserving the health of our Lake, and increases property values across all of Lake Barcroft. Planting new trees now ensures that they are established before more of our ageing trees are lost. See the 2024 program details, tree care information, and online application below.

Program Details and Timeline: 

  • 25 native overstory tree being offered (see 2024 Tree Chart below for list species and characteristics of trees)
    • One tree per household.
    • If more than 25 applications are received, not every applicant will receive a tree.
      • Priority is given to first-time applicants, to properties with dead and dying trees, or properties with few overstory trees.
  • Trees will be professionally planted by LBWID’s contractor at no cost to recipient.
  • Recipients of trees will be responsible for watering and caring for the trees.
    • LBWID offers no warranty with the trees being given away.
  • Program Timeline:
    • July 15 to July 31 – Online applications to be submitted (see application at bottom of this page)
    • September to October – Planting of the trees will occur.
      • Trees arrive at the LBWID compound. Planting is organized by Lake Barcroft Sections or streets.
        • Recipients of the trees will be provided 48 hours of notice prior to the tree being planted.

2024 Tree Chart (species of trees available):

2024 Tree Program Species Chart (Click Here) 

Tree Information and Tree Care Resources:  

Tree Basics from Fairfax County Tree Commission: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/publicworks/trees

Tree Owner’s Manual from U.S. Dept. of Agriculture:    www.treeownersmanual.info

Plant NOVA Nativeshttps://www.plantnovanatives.org

VA Tech tree factsheets – (Search by common and species names): http://dendro.cnre.vt.edu/dendrology/factsheets.cfm  

US Fish & Wildlife Servicehttps://www.fws.gov/Chesapeakebay/pdf/NativePlantsforWildlifeHabitatandConservationLandscaping.pdf  

FAQ: Fairfax County’s Urban Forest Management Division: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/publicworks/urban-forestry-faq

Fairfax County Tree Commission: www.fairfaxcounty.gov/publicworks/tree-commission

Virginia Department of Forestry:  www.dof.virginia.gov


The Application Period Has Closed.