Tree Removal Policy

Lake Barcroft Watershed Improvement District

Policy Statement Re:  Removal of Trees from Lake Barcroft

Revised January 2019


Lake Barcroft Watershed Improvement District (LBWID) acknowledges that it is the appropriate agency to remove nuisance trees from Lake Barcroft.  To clarify the extent of its involvement in tree removal, the LBWID has adopted the following statements of policy:

  • The LBWID will remove the portion of a tree that extends from the shoreline into the water.
  • Property owners are expected to deal with the shoreward portion of their fallen trees.
  • If it increases safety or simplifies the job for all concerned, the LBWID may agree with the property owner to cut the tree or branch on the land side of the shoreline.
  • The LBWID expects to be compensated for expenses incurred according to the following process and formula:
  • No charge shall be levied for any tree that can be safely removed in less than one hour.
  • A measurement in inches shall be taken of the circumference of the tree to be removed at the point where the trunk crosses the shoreline. A charge of $18 per inch of circumference will be billed to the owner of the property from which the tree originated.
  • Multiple trees will be measured independently, the total project cost will be based on the total number of circumference inches.
  • There will be a minimum charge of $200 for any tree removal that takes more than one hour.
  • No charge will be levied for any tree that falls from property belonging to LBA.
  • The LBWID may adjust its fee schedule from time to time to compensate for inflation or other significant factors. The Community will be notified before any rate changes are put into effect.
  • The LBWID and its staff or representatives will be sole judge of safety and procedures to be used in removing trees from the Lake except in the case where a fully responsible and insured outside contractor has been brought in.
  • The LBWID may employ its own staff and/or hire contractors to remove any tree(s).
  • The LBWID will make every effort to provide timely tree removal upon request. However, recognizing schedule conflicts and limitations of available equipment and staff, immediate response will not always be possible.  Considerable delay may occur in the case of very large or complex trees that require bringing specialized cutting or lift equipment into the Lake.